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A.4. Configuring

To configure the build system for your platform run the configure script:

$ ./configure
There are a number of options that you may use with configure. Some common options are described below; for a definitive list, run ./configure --help.


Cache configure results — this can reduce configure time. The cache file is called "config.cache", and can be removed to clear the cache and re-start clean. If you have problems with subdirectories (e.g. libASE), simply delete "config.cache" and omit this flag.


Don't compile with optimizations (optimization is on by default). If you want to change the optimization level, use --enable-optimize=LEVEL, e.g. --enable-optimize=3 for level 3 (-O3). The default is level 2 (-O2).


Don't compile with debugging symbols (debugging is on by default)


Install files in PREFIX (default is /usr/local)


Don't include Readline support in mesh


Build test programs


Enable building documentation (requires DocBook toolchain)


Disable building tutorial programs


Specify an alternate installation location for the libvos pkgconfig spec file. The default is PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig. pkgconfig is a tool that automatically provides build configure scripts (e.g. 'libvos-config'). See This option is useful if you are installing VOS in a non-system location (e.g. /opt or /usr/local) but want to put the pkgconfig spec files in the default system-installed pkgconfig directory. (Alternatively, you can add non-system directories to an environment variable called PKG_CONFIG_PATH to let pkgconfig find them.)


Compile with profiling information


Compile with code coverage information


Look for Boost libraries installed in PATH/lib and headers in PATH/include/boost rather than default include and library paths.


Look for the Howl Rendezvous/Zeroconf library installed in PATH. Default is to detect with pkg-config.


If PATH is given then configure will look in this directory for the wx-config script to determine presence of wxWidgets and paths.