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A.3. The Build Process

If you are on a native Unix-like system such as Linux, Macintosh OS X or Sun Solaris you are ready to compile VOS. If you are on Windows, go to instructions for setting up a MinGW/MSys VOS build environment and return here when completed; or instructions for compiling VOS on Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0

A.3.1. Using a source distribution

This section only applies if you downloaded a source distribution tar.gz

Untar the VOS package (if you have not done so already).

$ tar xvzf vos-0.23.0.tar.gz
That's it. Now go to the next section, configuring.

A.3.2. Using CVS

This section only applies if you are fetching a development version of VOS from the CVS repository

First you will need to "check out" VOS from CVS. Use the following command to make an anonymous checkout:

$ cvs -d checkout vos

Now change into the "vos" directory and run the following program to prepare the the necessary scripts and makefiles:

$ cd vos
$ ./
You must have autoconf 2.53 and automake 1.6 (minimum versions, later versions can be expected work).

That's it. Now go to the next section, configuring.