LDE - Linux Doom Editor

lde-1.1.tar.gz This is a port of ADE (DEU for Doom2) to Linux using LibGGI. This new version is mainly an update to the 2.0 libggi API. It has been tested with LibGGI 2.0beta1 using the X target, but should work with most GGI targets.

I used it fairly recently to play with maps generated by Angdoom, so I am fairly confident that it still works. For a somewhat restricted definition of "works", anyhow ;-) If you try LDE and run into any problems, drop me an email.

Screenshots at quarter size, click for full.

Full screen shot of my LDE setup

Screen shot of console

Screen shot of edit window in THING mode

Screen shot of edit window in WALL mode (selecting a wall texture)

Screen shot of edit window in SECTOR mode (selecitng a floor texture)

Screen shot of edit window in VERTEX mode

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Peter Amstutz <tetron@interreality.org>
Last updated: $Date: 2002/08/09 04:47:51 $